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Data Storage Location

When you save connections and SQL queries in Beekeeper Studio they are persisted to a SQLite database in the application configuration directory.

Database Location

The database is named app.db and is stored in the userData folder which the operating system provides for Beekeeper Studio to store settings and preferences.

UserData directory locations:

  • Windows: <User Directory>\AppData\Roaming\beekeeper-studio
  • MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Beekeeper Studio
    • Note: The ~/Library directory is typically hidden in Finder. However, you can use Go -> Go to Folder to open this directory.
  • Linux: ~/.config/beekeeper-studio

Access the Beekeeper Studio Database....From Beekeeper Studio

If you navigate to Help -> Add Beekeeper's Database the app will add a new database connection for you to use - Beekeeper's database itself.

You can use this connection to explore your saved data, export SQL queries, or do whatever you need.