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Connecting to a DuckDB database from the app is straightforward. Simply select DuckDB from the dropdown, choose your DuckDB file, and click connect.

Double click .db and .sqlite3 files

When you install Beekeeper Studio it will create an association for files with the .duckdb extension.

So long as Beekeeper Studio remains the default app for these file types, you can now just double click any DuckDB file to open it in Beekeeper Studio.

Opening from the command line

You can also use your terminal to open a database in Beekeeper Studio so long as you have the file associations set-up.

  • MacOS open ./path/to/example.duckdb
  • Linux xdg-open ./path/to/example.duckdb

Creating a new database

To create a new database, you can specify the location of the database file in the Database File input field. If you are running on Windows or Linux, you can select a folder from the Choose File dialog, and then complete the Database File input field with your file name.

Create a new database